
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Makeup---sorry guys, another girly post.

I don't wear makeup. "Why not?" people ask. "Is it like a church thing or something?" And no, it isn't, if you were wondering also. And I'm not Amish. Or even Morman, for that matter. :D So, why then? For a few reasons, and since this is my blog, I shall state them :D

#1: It's easy to overdo. Very, very easy to overdo. I have seen many beautiful young women who looked like they had a mask on. Or worse, looked like they just came from a nightclub. This is not to say it can't be done correctly, but I do not have the wish to work with it right now, esp for reason #2.

#2: It clogs pores. As a very acne-prone teen, I have enough trouble as it is, so I don't need anything else. :P

#3: I want people to see me how I really am. I am not perfect, nor is my skin. I don't want to wake up and have makeup smudged everywhere, esp with the work I have to do.... :D Farm work and makeup refuse to work together! :P

So, "will you ever wear makeup?" Maybe. But I don't have plans right now. :D "Would I wear stage makeup?" Absolutly. There is no sense in looking like a seasick mariner. :D
Please share your thoughts in the comment section!


Rebecca said...

I wouldn't wear make-up either except that I look sickly without it. I don't really have any natural color in my face, so I wear make-up in order to look healthy, not necessarily to "beautify" myself.

Rose (AOG) said...

I don't wear makeup. Sometimes I wonder if I should, but,'s too much bother, and I don't want to be uncomfortable seeing myself without it. I think that could happen really quickly.
Anyway, great post!