
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Attention: Anyone who is following my blog!

Thanks to John Morgan Hunt IV, (from HSA) I now have a "really truly" button for my blog! Just copy and past the link below, and you will have a button for your blog that links back to mine! A sample is below... Please email me and I will send you the code pronto! :)
Thank you all! :)

A random post of my life in general.

Anybody here from Homeschool Alumni? I know a few of you are...anyway! As some of you know, Jim (JimBow) just came back from ALERT, a military camp, also know...he eats skittles. All. The. Time! of the gals on there decided everybody should flood him with skittles, and that is just what we did! In honor of this grand and important occasion, I recite...some bad poetry by yours truly! :)

The Skittle King has returned to his realm,
Yes, the Candyland King is back at the helm,

He's back to his horses and back to his cattle,
Back to his lasso and back on the saddle,

But he's sad and no wonder,
You don't have to ponder,
He ate all the skittles again!

So... bring out the stamps and bring out the skittles,
Send them to Jimbo, it isn't a riddle,

And joy shall be spread, far and wide through the land,
When there is enough candy for all!

I warned you it was bad! lol

I'll give you a better post later!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

" I was Glad When They Said Unto Me, Let Us Go Into The House of The LORD"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are You a Fool?

Instead of playing a trick on ya'll...( we couldn't think of a good one)...I decided to give you something that will show you your foolishness...or hopefully lack-there-of! :D Brought to you by Elizabeth and Anna Sophia Botkin, this is both frightening and yet..very telling. In all of our teenage wisdom (cough, choke) we still don't always get it right. :P
Once you take the quiz, tell us what score you got!
My Score: B

We have laundry hanging out on the line's very warm here, yesterday I started work on my farmers tan...(with a tad of help from Hawaiian Tropical oil.) *sheepish grin*