
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Journal Entry...

Not another step nearer! *And let me tell you, she can pack a punch! *

...yah, I know, I should be posting more often. Sorry about that my friends, but perhaps I can make up by telling ya'll what I've been up too!
Yesterday was a very busy lessons(5 all-in-all)first, and then a fairly restful afternoon later on. THEN...I went to do chores. Now, any of ya'll who have seen our barn know that it's NOT made for a lot of animals. You know, like what we have. :D It's actually a horse barn, with 3 stalls and a HUGE aisle right down the barn. So, little, and awkward. :D
When I came in, there was a big wheelbarrow full of cow manure right smack-dab in the way, so I proceeded to pull it out and empty it. Actually... I TRIED. The ancient thing only can be pulled as general rule, Rarely agreeing to being pushing like a obedient wheelbarrow, and it weighed aprox. as much as I did...complication #2. So...that took a while, and then I cleaned out the milking stall, which really did need it. Complication #3 came when I decided to start hauling water buckets...not a big job, but I got water down my boots... So THEN I milked. :P You may imagine I was a bit tired that evening!
typical day in my house
Toaster pops up
Kate: Helpppp! Murder!!
Elisabeth: What in the world...?
Kate: Oh, that was the toaster...I thought I just got shot.

Dramatics were NEVER my strong point. :) uh...

Kate: I'm going to diiieee!
Momma: Well, the rugs are clean, so don't go bleeding all over them.

Yeah momma, love you too!

We've got a bunch of sweet little lambs now...see how cute!

Oh and you read this, you've gotta leave me a comment. :D Haven't heard from a few of you in a while. :P

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I read it! :D Simple things like "just going out to milk" seem to attract complications, don't they?!