
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Something I wrote. Don't scream, please!

i wrote this here poem below...and guess what? It was published! YES!

The Difference

The Christian shuts his eyes at pornography. The world looks closer.
The Christian rebukes the joker. The world eggs it on.
The Christian studies his Bible. The Enquirer better suits the world.
The Christian sings hymns. The world likes rap and punk.
The Christian is baptized in water. THe world is baptized in wine.
The Christian goes to church. THe world goes to golf.
The Christian says Christ's our standard. The world prefers Obama.
The Christian upholds standerds. The world knocks them down.
The christian upholds purity. The world abhors it.
The Christian is happy. The world is miserable.
One stands, the other falls.
Where are you?

What do you think?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I know...slacking on the blogging job again. :( Seriously, my apologies! Life took a turn for the busier again, so that is my excuse. Here, to make up, let me fill you in!
On Monday evenings these days, you can find me at the Marietta College/community choir! It is a huge honor to be involved is such great works as Vivaldi's "Gloria" and Handel's " Coronation Pieces" One of which is below...This is Zadock The Priest, by Handel. Sadly, this is not our choir, but we hopefully....prayerfully will sound like this! I'm a soprano...we get a great workout here! :-)

Otherwise...lots of school work, and lots of barn chores!

Please leave me a comment! I love to hear from you friends!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Playin' Possum

Guess who we have visiting under our back steps...? Here is a picture of our honored, but sadly afraid, guest!

My dear protector came to rescue me....

Isn't life out in the country always so much fun!!! :-)

I am sorry I haven't been blogging much. Life is busy enough without telling about it! The biggest new thing for me was being able to join our college choir! What a huge honor! But...naturally, I had a terrible sore throat, and nearly wasn't able to go at all! But...I made it! Hurrah!
I shall tell you more about that later....until then... Au revior!

Friday, January 15, 2010

A quote, A picture, and random thoughts.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so strong as real strength.

This quote has a lot of great truth to it. Think about the strongest men in the Bible. Jesus, David, etc...These men all understood that there was a time for gentleness, and a time for stepping out for the right. What a wonderful legacy they leave for us!

And, of course, here is a picture. Can't leave that out, can we? :-) Yes, I did make the dress...

Monday, January 11, 2010

If You Don't Like Sarcasm...Don't Read This!

Disclaimer: I'm not quite finished with this article yet. One of these days I'm going to work on it just a bit more...I'd love to hear your opinion on it also! :)

My rant on "safety" rules is titled....drumroll please...

My Parents Hate Me
Well, I found out something amazing today! You see, I didn’t know it, but my parents are insane! It’s so funny I never noticed it before, but all that time Daddy was in medical school and Mum was teaching, they had lost their minds!
You see, I’ve been reading this real informative book on child safety, and it really looks like we were abused. All that cool stuff we did, it was so un-American. I wonder if they are Communists?
It all started when me and Dad went rock climbing. Now, in West Virginia, when you go rock climbing, you better be careful, or you could end up in the morgue. It sounds really fun, but I can’t remember much, seeing I was three. And, to prepare me, he actually had the audacity to teach me strict obedience! No wonder I’ve turned out so weird!!
But, they were always like that. They actually let me go hiking all by myself, in the pasture where the big bull hangs around, out in old barns, ( Okay, Mum didn’t encourage that,) and hanging out around creeks. I go off for hours with no adult supervision or even planned activities! What are they thinking, they even let me go without a cell phone!
Yes, they even let me have a gun and a bayonet, presumably… they wanted me to be a serial killer, since that is the only reason this little book said anybody would want to have guns. Well, I mean John Wayne maybe, but what would I want one for? The temptation to shoot people has never been that strong, but you never know. One of these days I’ll just snap and shoot everybody in sight! Not that there is anybody in sight..
Yeah, they are abusers alright. They let me get up at five o’clock every morning and go milk my cow! Don’t they know it’s violating rule # 67 to let your child work alone in the barn? With a cow? Don’t we all know how cows turn on people and kill them? It’s better to keep a pet gorilla then a cow! I’d say they think we should work. What a ridiculous idea of theirs!
Well, if you haven’t fainted yet, there’s more. One day, when I was 15, those parents of mine left the house at night, they said to buy my sister a bicycle, and we were all by ourselves for almost two hours! Since I read this little booklet, now I know that if we had only looked out the window, we would have seen rapists and burglars and who knows what all….we were just to ignorant. Wow, if only I had known!
Yeah, I know a lot more now. I didn’t know all the danger I was in, and I’ll have to let them know. Let me see….whom shall I contact first? Child Protective Services or the Sheriff?
It’s not about being safe, it’s about looking safe.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Distortation Of Beauty

Oh wow...I can't believe it has been a week since last I posted! I'm slacking on the job! :) In all honesty, I was gone for most of the week to my grandparents, so you mustn't think to poorly of me!
Here is a video that I was greatly impressed with! It has always bothered me how people, ( esp. ladies) set up movie stars and models as "it". When really, they don't even look that way! Here, you can see what I mean!

Leave me a comment, and tell us what you think! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's time for men to be men. *Food for thought*

Dockers amazing MAN-ifesto!

Wow...I thought this was too amazing to go unnoticed!
While I don't support all that Docker does, the fact that this was even a ad gives hope for our nation!
SO...when you come back, please comment to tell us..

Do you think that the message of this ad is true?

In what ways do you think the nation has gone downhill

Friday, January 1, 2010

Farm Life...

Excuse you! You wanted something?

Far from a generic year!

As I face the new year, and it's unique challenges, a sort of excitement, mixed with fear comes over me. 15 (and-a-half) is a very scary time, but in a good way!
This years plans include, but are not exclusive...

~Driving license ( you should have seen the look on Mums face when I brought that up!

~ Getting my pistol. Whoopee! My parents thought that one sounded great!

~ Getting fit. No, I'm far from overweight, but I certainly want to work out more. And don't tell me I don't need to.

~ Teaching Bible Class. Teaching 2nd-5th Graders has never been termed "boring". When I taught last year, it took a definite " Iron fist in a velvet glove"! :)

~Civil War reenacting. One of my big goals is to go out on the field and rescue the "wounded" soldiers. And also a Civil War Ball!! I should write a story...

~ 52 weeks of crock potting. Yeah, I decided I needed to work on some more...domestic things. That is one area I don't do so well it. *sigh. Is there anyway I can cook while hiking?* crockpot meal a week sounds ok!

~ French also. Musn't leave that out. I want to be able to speak it fluently!

~ And I'm supposed to be in the Do Hard Things Documentury... :)

~ And of course, we need to raise some baby chickys. Yay!!!!

Otherwise, my voice teacher casually brought up that, " I needed to decide what type of music I want to sing." Sound easy? The answer to that is NOOOO! I really have no idea! Opera...if you want to go big, you have to go really big. I _can_ do it, but I don't know... Pop. I don't want to do that...
So, decisions, decisions. And no, this isn't all of them! I have a hard time reading long blog posts, so I thought I would spare you! :)

~And anyhow, it's time to milk!

" Be with me LORD, I can not live without thee, I need thy strength to lean myself upon..." ~Be With Me LORD (hymn)